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Sindh Financial Rules, 2023 Volumes 1 & 11

Availability: In stock
  • Author : Zaka Ali
  • Cover : Hard bound
  • Edition : 2024
  • Price : 4500
  • PKR: 5000
  • Description

Chap. – 1: Definitions
Chap. – 2: General System of Financial Management
Chap. – 3: Revenue Receipts & their Check
Chap. – 4: Pay, Allowances & Pension
Chap. – 5: Claim on the Account Office
Chap. – 6: Pay & Allowances of Establishment
Chap. – 7: Contingencies
Chap. – 8: Transfer of Lands, Incidence of Law Charges in Civil Suits and Miscellaneous Chharges
Chap. – 9: Inventory Management / Stores
Chap. – 10: Works
Chap. – 11: Public Buildings
Chap. – 12: Loans & Advances
Chap. – 13: Loans & Advances to Government Servants
Chap. – 14: Deposits
Chap. – 15: Powers of Sanction
Chap. – 16: Special Rules for the Treasuries / Accounts Offices
Chap. – 17: Local Funds
Chap. – 18: Budget
Chap. – 19: Grant-in-Aid
Chap. – 20: Service & Other Funds
Chap. – 21: General

5000 (PKR)
4500 (PKR)