This book is an effort to present the Income Tax, Sales Tax, Federal Excise and Provincial Sales Tax Laws as a handbook mainly aimed for students as per the syllabus for ICAP Open Book Policy in a user friendly format, presenting all such matter in one volume. This will also help the busy professionals to have a quick reference to all these tax laws in one volume. After the huge response to the Company Law Book for ICAP Syllabus, students were asking for a similar work on Income Tax, Sales Tax etc. since S A Salam Publications is the pioneer in Income Tax and Sales Tax books for professionals. S. A. Salam Publications has been serving the professionals and students alike for the last 43 years since 1980 and is committed to it. While our complete work on Income Tax and Sales Tax laws and material is comprised of several volumes, there was a need for an abridged edition for students and professionals alike for the main material on these laws. This edition was necessary for an authentic single volume for all such material to also serve the students in the CA profession as per the open book exam policy.
The book is in a loose-leaf folder so as to provide an optional updating service on a six-monthly basis. However, we will present updated editions every year for the latest position of the amended material and to meet the requirements for the relevant exam. We hope the book will be useful for the professionals, Teachers, CA Students and commerce students.
Part I
• Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 & Schedules
Part II
• Income Tax Rules, 2002 & Schedules
Part Ill
• Ethics for Chartered Accountants
• IT, ST, FED-Notifications, Circulars, General Orders etc.
Part IV
• Sales Tax Act, 1990
Part V
• Sales Tax Rules, 2006
• I.C.T. (Sales Tax on Services) Ordinance, 2001
• Punjab Sales Tax on Services Act, 2012
• Punjab Agriculture Income Tax Act, 1997, Rules, 2001
Part VI
• Federal Excise Act 2005
• Federal Excise & Rules, 2005